



LyZ: LyX plugin pro Zotero LyZ: LyX plugin pro Zotero « Slasti a strasti života na moři

LyZ: LyX plugin pro Zotero

LyZ je plugin pro bibliografický manažer Zotero (verze 2 a vyšší), jehož smyslem je zpříjemnit práci s vizuálním editorem pro LaTeX LyX. Bohužel jsem zatím neměl čas přeložit tuto stránku do češtiny. Zdrojový kód je zde: https://github.com/willsALMANJ/lyz.

Máte-li jakékoli dotazy, s radostí na ně odpovím. Pište na petr.simon@gmail.com.

190 comments to LyZ: LyX plugin pro Zotero

  • Greg

    Great to hear that there will be an update! Any chance that it will use the same new word integration with the slick small popup window?

  • Petr

    Hi Greg,
    I’m getting ready 😉 Still a bit busy though, but I will get to it soon. Unfortunately, integration similar to what you see in Word is not trivial. I would require hacking LyX, so don’t get your hopes up :)

  • Sue


    i have a big problem. Try to connect zotero and lyx, it was working for one time, then broke. I dont have any idea why. If i try to „cite in lyx“, i receive that Error „Could not retrieve document name.“ but i dont have any zotero-document left. i’m no specialist in computer and really desperate. Can somebody help me?

    thx ahead

    • Petr

      what do you mean by „i dont have any zotero-document left“. Try to restart everything and try again. The document in LyX has to be opened, of course. If the problem persists, try to read the section on debugging on my LyZ page (http://www.klubko.net/wp/?page_id=945&lang=en) called „Problems, Ideas, Requests“.
      Let me know what you find out

  • Roey Angel

    I’m getting that error that others have reported here already: „Could not retrieve document name.“
    I’m using zotero on kubuntu(11.1) with the latest lyx (2.0). I made sure my lyx pipe is configured and that lyz knows it’s path (~/.lyx/lyxpipe.).
    Any idea how to solve it?
    Second thing, I much prefer using Kile for writing papers, is it possible to use lyz with Kile?

    Thanks in advance,

    • Petr

      Thanks Roey,
      I’m going to look at that very soon. It would be helpful, if you could follow the instructions on the bottom of my LyZ page, especially starting LyX with „-dbg lyxserver“. Please let me know what it says there. Also please have a look at FF’s error console.
      I thought about Kile at the very beginning, but unfortunately Kile does not have enough functionality to do all the things we can do with LyX. If I remember correctly, only pushing citations was possible.

  • Roey Angel

    Thanks for the quick reply.
    I ran the debbuger (sorry, I missed out on the instructions before sendign the previous post).
    This is what I got after clicking ‚Cite in LyX':
    ../../src/Server.cpp(930): LyXComm: status:31, read_buffer_:, cmd:LYXCMD:lyz:server-get-filename
    ../../src/Server.cpp(1078): Server: Received: ‚LYXCMD:lyz:server-get-filename‘
    ../../src/Server.cpp(1122): Server: Client: ‚lyz‘ Command: ‚server-get-filename‘ Argument: “
    ../../src/Server.cpp(967): LyXComm: Sending ‚INFO:lyz:server-get-filename:

    ../../src/Server.cpp(781): LyXComm: Closing connection
    ../../src/Server.cpp(741): LyXComm: Opening connection
    ../../src/Server.cpp(774): LyXComm: Connection established

    Firefox doesn’t produce any error in the consule.

    Thanks again,

  • Petr

    Roey, no worries :)
    I can assume you have a lyx document opened and you are using the latest lyz, right? I am still thinking there must be something wrong with your configuration.
    Please try „server-get-filename“ in the LyX mini-buffer and also try in terminal: echo "LYXCMD:lyz:server-get-filename" > ~/.lyx/lyxpipe
    Do they return the filename?

  • roey angel

    or as Einstein is beleived to have once said: „Two Things Are Infinite: the Universe and Human Stupidity“
    It turns out that everytime I test Lyz I had LyX open but without an open document.

    Everything seems to work fine now when I work with an open document. 😛

    and if I may still query about Kile.
    Kile has an option to „“let kile process LyX commands sent by bibliography editors/viewers“. When I mark this option I can send citations directly to kile from a bibtex data base (say, using Kbibtex), even if the database was built using LyZ, but not directly from LYZ.
    Any idea why?

    Thanks again,

    • Petr

      Bug resolved :) Having an open LyX document is indeed a requirement 😉
      As for Kile. I’ll have a look, maybe they have added other functionality since I last tried. I know it’s is definitely possible to push citations into Kile document. Can you do more then just insert citations with other bib managers?
      LyZ does not work for Kile, because before LyZ sends citation to the document, it asks the lyxserver for filename etc and Kile does not support that (as far as I know).

  • Roey Angel

    I’m not sure Kile does any thing else then get citations from bib managers and generate a reference list (what else should it do?).
    I dont think kile supports something like asking for the filename my only point was that it’s possible to use the lyxserver in order to push a citation directly into kile (without going through Lyx).


  • Petr

    Right. I would like to add Emacs support anyway, so let me include Kile as well. But it won’t do much, just inserting citations.
    Don’t hold your breath though, it might take a week or three :) But I should be able to get into it quite soon.

  • Roey Angel

    Hi again,
    I noticed that lyz always pushes citations using \citet (I use the biblatex package with natbib=true).
    At least in my field of research the usual format is (author year) which can be achieved using \citep.
    Is there a way to tell lyz which natbib command to use when pushing citations?
    What I do at the moment is click on any citation in my lyz document and change it individually.

    Also, is there a way to change the translator from bibtex to biber? would it make a difference?


  • Petr

    Hi Roey,
    Currently there’s no way to change that (except editing the source code). I suppose I could add a dialog where you could select that, but I confess, I use lyz just for the first insert and then just use the dialog in Lyx to insert it again.
    But hey, the code is open, feel free to make patch 😉
    And if you just use one type of citation in you documents, e.g. only (Author, Year), just open the lyx document in text editor and replace them all at once 😉

  • Chris

    Hello Petr.

    System Information:
    LyX: 2.0.0 and 2.0.3
    Zotero: Standalone 3.0.3
    LyZ: 2.1.4
    OS: Windows 7, 64-bit Ultimate

    First, LyZ looks to be a really good fit for what I’m trying to do.

    Second, I cannot get this to work. I have set my LyX Server Pipe (\\.\pipe\lyxserver), have a file open in LyX, and receive a „Wrong path to Lyx server“ message. It appears I need to set something up in Zotero standalone, but I’m not certain what I’ve missed.

    Any suggestions?

  • Chris

    There’s the issue.

    When you say I should set the same path in LyZ, how would I do this?

    I see no options for the extension in Zotero standalone 3.0.3, just a setting to turn automatic updates on or off.

    As I’ve said, I’m sure it’s something basic I’m missing here.

    Thanks for you response,


  • Chris

    I think I see where this gets set.

    Under Zotero Preferences > Miscellaneous > Open about:config, I see this:


    Odd, it looks like my installation of LyZ is configured out-of-the-box to look for a pipe called „lyxpipe“ (at least for my two installations of this version under Zotero standalone 3.0.3).

    With that fixed, I’m up and running now! I’ve got to say, this is great! Thanks!

    (I don’t expect you to know or have time for this, but I have a more general question, as I’m new to LaTeX: what is the best workflow for bibliography entries? Right now, I’m using a stand-alone bibliography file, which I have to update after each new reference–a two-step process that I’d like to get down to one step if possible. Thanks again!)

    • Petr

      Great :)
      Btw, LyZ has it’s own settings. Just click on the LyZ icon, you should see it.
      Not sure what you mean that you have to update the bibliography file. Do you mean that you need to add the citation? If that’s the case, there’s nothing you can do about that. Except that LyZ makes it a bit easier when you decide you want to use Zotero.
      I usually insert the citation from Zotero only the first time. When I need to cite the same author again, I do it from LyX.

  • Chris


    Yes, this is what I meant. Only after this did I notice the „LyZ“ menu. Oops.

    Thank you for the support, and THANK YOU for a product that is (once configured) dead-simple to use and work with. : ) (now if only Mendeley would provide similar hooks…)


  • Petr

    My pleasure. Enjoy!

  • Seongsoo

    Hi Petr,
    First of all, thank you for the great work. LyZ really makes my life easier. After following all the steps necessary, I ended up being able to insert a citation on LyX from Zotero (standalone). But the problem comes when I update bibtex file using LyZ menu on Zotero. Even if I update bibtex, there is no change. My BibTex file is not updated although a newly added reference is inserted in LyX. I added a dozen references to my zotero library but they are not reflected both in my BibTex file and consequently the bibliography list of my LyX document file. Did I miss something? Thank you!

    • Petr

      Hi Seongsoo,
      sorry for late answer. Let me try to understand your problem. You have to insert each and every citation you want in LyX document manually. Update bibtex is only for „updating“ entries you have already inserted. Hope I have not misunderstood what you mean. If you are indeed trying to update modified entries and bibtex file is not being updated, please have a look in Firefox’s Error console. There seems to be some problem with update bibtex, but I haven’t had the time to test it.

  • Martin

    Hi, my drive has failed and I lost my firefox directory. Fortunately I had zotero sync and my zotero is back. How can I get by lyz managed bibliography inside lyx files back as well?

    • Petr

      you should be able to get that back from the bibtex file, at least that’s how I remember it works :) Give it a try: backup you bibtex file, insert new citation and select you existing bibtex file. When you run update bibtex it should import the keys it finds in the file.
      Good luck and let me know if it works (sorry, have been away for a while and haven’t used LyZ much lately… thesis defense incoming next week…)

  • Martin

    Hey Petr,
    yes, everything works!! Thanks a lot! How was your viva?

  • Petr

    Martin, great to hear that it works! Thesis has been defended :) Now I’m getting ready for a round of revisions…

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